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My goal is to help you re-imagine your life. With extensive experience in Life Coaching and a vast history of client success, my individualized gentle and positive approach will help you attain your goals.
As a professionally trained and experienced life coach, I have the tools and understanding to help you to create the life you imagine and get a renewed sense of self.
I am trained and certified in Emotion Code and Body Code through Discover Healing. My other certifications include Emotional Release with Essential Oils, Vitaflex and Raindrop technique through CARE International. I have also received training from Bride Ministries, Heart Math Institute, Entity Release and Group Facilitator Training through Healing Remembered as well as being a certified by Metaphysical Anatomy Institute as an Intuitive Body Specialist. I faciliatate 7 Days of Transformation Groups every month around a selected theme. Ask to join my facebook private group to learn more about online group work!
Committing to a healthier lifestyle is just that – a commitment, and it’s a big one that will take a lot a dedication. My commitment is to provide you with accountability, understanding and support. I suggest committing to packages, weekly or monthly sessions when you first begin your journey.
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
100%! What happens in our sessions stays in our sessions.
The time that your coaching process will take depends on the complexity of your goals and your commitment and openness to your process.
The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique designed to help users identify and literally release trapped emotions-which we believe are harmful emotional energies from negative past events. Trapped emotions may cause feelings of depression and anxiety, and may also block people from love and happiness and make them feel disconnected from others. Our premise is that trapped emotions are made of energy just like the rest of the body , and that they exert and influence on the physical tissues. We believe this can cause acute discomfort and potential dis-ease. Releasing trapped emotions can create the proper conditions for the body to heal-so physical and emotional difficulties may disappear or become much more manageable.
Body Code is a form of energy work that is designed to help correct and identify energy imbalances that could cause all kinds of physical and emotional problems. WE can look for things like possible toxins, nutritional deficiencies and structural imbalances and address those according to whatever we believe the client's body needs. When we work to remove imbalance, the conditions improve and make it possible for the body to restore it's own health.
"The Emotion Code is the simplest, easiest, and fastest method ever devised to find emotional baggage (using muscle testing) and release it... Our emotional baggage consists of actual energies, the energies of intense emotional events that we’ve experienced that are still stuck in our physical bodies. These energies distort the normal energy field of the body, creating pain, malfunction, all manner of disease, and even cancer. In addition, these energies (trapped emotions) are the driving force behind PTSD, depression, anxiety, phobias and all manner of mental illnesses." -Dr. Bradley Nelson, founder of The Emotion Code
During The Emotion Code Session, Kelly will energetically connect with you to find out which trapped emotions are affecting you most. She uses the "sway test" or another form of muscle testing to narrow down the name of each trapped emotion and any other prevalent information, such as:
Everyone has their own unique way of processing, so just honor whatever comes up for you. For example, if one of the emotions that we released for you was "anger" you may notice yourself feeling moments of anger during your processing period. It may be your way of energetically purging the emotion from your energy body. The best thing to do is to give yourself a few quiet moments by yourself to fully feel the emotions as they come up. These emotions might have a message for you or new level of awareness that it wants to share with you. Trapped emotions become trapped because they were never fully felt when they originated. They were suppressed. Giving your emotions an opportunity to fully express themselves (in a safe environment) will help them to release automatically, without you having to do anything - except giving them your full attention.
Emotions are neither good nor bad. Sometimes it is necessary and even healthy to express an emotion like anger, such as when you're standing up for a good cause or protecting someone you love. Anger is a great motivator, helping you to make choices that align with your beliefs. It is only when emotions are trapped energetically that they can affect your life in difficult ways.
The initial session will typically last 50 minutes, this will give you an opportunity to ask questions that may come up during the session. As with all energy work, this process is just as effective by phone or zoom call as it is in person. This work is also effective working remotely with permission, with a report sent after the work. Working with children is usually done by working with the parent through permission. Animals can also benefit by working with the parent (owner) as well.
Be sure to join my facebook group eMotions for information on 7 Days of Transformation themes!
April: I have been summoned for Jury duty in April, I am not sure how this will impact my schedule.. Just letting you know that there is a possibility we may need to reschedule if I am selected to serve.